Andri Author of articles

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4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Fungi are microorganisms that parasitize the skin of the feet and cause dermatological problems. What does the disease look like, what is its danger and how can you get rid of it quickly?
    15 January 2024
  • What is athlete's foot and what does it look like? Types and symptoms of skin fungus on the legs. List of the most effective medicinal and folk remedies for treating fungus and preventing infection.
    30 October 2022
  • Evaluation of the most effective remedies against nail fungus. What are the ways to get rid of toenail fungus? Prevention of nail fungus.
    23 September 2021
  • The article contains effective methods of treating nail fungus at home, and also describes recipes for folk remedies and the features of their use.
    23 September 2021