Nail fungus is not a life-threatening disease. Even so, this disease brings a lot of trouble to a person.
Infection occurs through direct contact with an infected surface.
In this case, you can be a carrier for a very long time, and with the slightest damage to the skin and a decrease in immunity, you can suddenly get onychomycosis.

Methods of treating nail fungus at home
The main cause of nail fungus is a weakening of local immunity and damage to the skin. The symptoms can manifest themselves in different ways - from changes in the nail structure to suppuration, depending on the severity of the disease.
It is better to start therapy at the initial stage, then the process will not take so long and the symptoms will not be so pronounced.
The initiated onychomycosis is treated harshly and for a long time - up to a year with a combination of different drugs. The method of treatment often depends on the form of the disease and the manifestation of symptoms. Sometimes surgery may be required to remove the deformed plate.
There are several ways to cure nail fungus at home:
- Pharmacy products;
- Folk recipes;
- Combination approaches (combination of 2 options).
The only way to manage mycosis is by combining approaches and knowing the principles of treatment. First, official medicine offers many drug options with different dosage regimens and dosages.
Inside, pills are taken that work according to the method of pulse therapy, that is, the maximum dosage for the rapid destruction of the fungus. There are usually long breaks between courses.
A pharmacy can also offer ointments, creams, oils and even special varnishes and films against mycotics. They basically contain fungicides, but the effectiveness of the same drug can vary.
To successfully cure nail fungus, you should first determine its type, the severity of the pathology and the type of skin. All of this is taken into account when choosing drugs for the treatment of mycoses. If the nail is only affected by 50%, the usual ointment can also cope with the disease.
But in addition to medicines, traditional medicine should also be used at home. It is usually safer than taking systemic drugs and is also available in the price range for most. Healing ointments can also be made on the basis of butter.
Important! Traditional home medicine recipes, like pharmaceutical drugs, should be used in dosage so as not to violate local immunity and aggravate symptoms.

Nail fungus - treatment and folk remedies
You can cure the fungus at home using a variety of folk remedies.
The main ingredients of all recipes for the treatment of onychomycosis:
- Sparkling water;
- Salt;
- Iodine;
- Hydrogen peroxide;
- Garlic;
- Washing powder;
- Vinegar;
- Glycerin;
- Alcohol;
- Herbs.
Any remedy from the list listed, or a combination thereof, will produce great results, although you will have to wait some time for a healthy nail to grow back.
Ideally, the affected nail plate should be removed before starting the treatment at home so that the required amount of nutrients is delivered to the affected area more quickly. It will also speed up the healing process. From above, you can apply ointments both from a pharmacy and from your own preparation.
Not everyone realizes, but the treatment of nail fungus is not just applying a folk remedy to the surface of the skin, but treating other surfaces as well - changing socks every day, bedding and cleaning shoes.
It is also necessary to wipe all surfaces that the infected area has come into contact with with special solutions, that is, floors, furniture, dishes.

Toenail fungus treatment at home - recipes
Traditional medicine offers a number of recipes that will help you get rid of onychomycosis quickly. Here are just a few of them:
Peroxide in combination with baking soda
First steam the legs using the washing powder principle, but only add 1 teaspoon instead of 100 g of powder. Soda per liter. After steaming, a cotton ball richly moistened with peroxide is applied to the affected area and wrapped in cellophane for long-term exposure.
The entire process, including parking your legs, takes about an hour. It is better to put these compresses twice a day, but you can do it once as long as it is regular. In addition, a few drops of peroxide should be instilled into the nail cavity during the day.
The home garlic treatment is quite simple and effective. You can cut a clove of garlic in layers, dip it in salt and apply it to the lesion site, or you can make a garlic and salt porridge and also wear it with a bandage for a day.
This compress can be done at night. You can also do it with onions. If you mix such a gruel with butter, you will get an excellent ointment.

This alcohol has long been prescribed in the folk treatment of the fungus. A glass of normal water makes 1 tbsp. l. Ammonia. A cotton cloth is then dipped into the solution and applied as a compress overnight.
A versatile folk remedy that is easy to make at home. It also helps with sore throats in acute respiratory infections, as well as accelerated wound healing and nail fungus. One liter of water contains one teaspoon of baking soda, one tablespoon of salt and a few drops of iodine.
After that, calculate the required volume and every evening let your legs float in hot water with dissolved components.
Soda in the treatment of mushrooms can be used alone
Add a small amount of water to the baking soda to make a pulp and apply to the affected area for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the mixture, carefully dry it with a towel and sprinkle with powder / dusting powder.
Boric acid
Boric acid as a folk remedy also helps in treating nail fungus.
Dampen your feet, then spray dry areas of the lesion with this powder and leave it under your sock overnight. Enough 9 procedures.

Mix iodine, glycerin, vinegar
Mix iodine, glycerin, vinegar and boiled water 1: 2. Rub the dampened lesions with this mixture overnight. Repeat the treatment of the fungus at home according to this scheme 10 times.
Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and apply it to a nail under cellophane overnight. Treatment for 2 weeks.
Herbs are an excellent help in treating onychomycosis. You can let your feet float in a brew of nettle, sage, celandine, mint and chamomile. After steaming, mix the same mixture and pour it into a sock. So sleep the night
Herbal ointments
Making a herbal and oil-based ointment requires patience and precision. Mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, nettle and sage are mixed in equal proportions, and from this mixture a tablespoon is added to 100 g of butter.
The herbal oil is melted in a water bath and the future ointment is soaked for 30 minutes. When the due date is past, strain the resulting mixture through a triple layer of gauze. Apply the ointment to the affected area twice a day.
washing powder
Many internet users offer to treat nail fungus with washing powder. This is due to the alkaline properties of the component. The infection does not survive under such conditions. 100 g of powder are dissolved in hot water (3-5 liters).
Using this composition, raise your legs every day until the symptoms are completely gone. You can then carry out the procedure for another three days. Many write that they were able to overcome onychomycosis in 10 days. This is the simplest folk remedy.
Important! Socks should be changed daily, as should their contents. This prevents the fungus from growing and speeds up the healing process.

Cure toenail fungus quickly - an effective method
The effectiveness of the method of treating nail fungus at home is based on the pedantic approach to hygiene, as well as the combination of various therapeutic methods.
With pharmacy products, you can also use traditional medicine and vice versa. This will help cure toenail fungus quickly. If you feel that the skin is drying up after using folk remedies, then olive or sea buckthorn oil should be applied to the surface of the skin. The latter can dye leather and fabrics orange.
If the disease is already defeated, then you need to do prophylaxis with folk remedies at home, for example, to raise your feet weekly in one of the above solutions.
This will help prevent re-infection. Also treat shoes and other surfaces regularly with antifungal or other agents.
Important! If the remedy doesn't work, you need to stop and try another method. Any allergic symptomatology serves as a warning that the method was wrongly chosen.

How to treat fingernail fungus
Nail fungus on the hands at home is treated on the same principle as on the feet. The only difference is that gloves are used instead of socks. Not every remedy can be left on the affected area for a long time.
- Proper treatment for the fungus consists in regular hygiene - washing your hands and the surfaces that they touch. Then you don't have to face a similar infection in the future.
- Remember that nail fungus is highly contagious, but the only risk of infection is when immunity is decreased. Therefore, you should also consume large amounts of vitamins and minerals during treatment.
- Immunomodulatory drugs that help strengthen the immune system also do not interfere. Do not use a folk remedy and a pharmacy at the same time, so as not to cause an allergic reaction. Apply medication first, then apply a mixture from a prescription an hour later. This will cure the nail fungus on your hands quickly.
Remember that folk remedies for nail fungus on the hands will help, but even official medicine should not be put aside. Modern drugs allow you to finally destroy mycotics in a few steps, and folk remedies will solidify the effect for a long time.