Sonia Author of articles

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4 Articles

Author's articles

  • Athlete's foot is easy to get, but not easy to get rid of. We draw your attention to a piggy bank with folk recipes that will help defeat the disease.
    21 December 2021
  • Which fungus develops on the toes? Symptoms and forms of the disease. Diagnosis and treatment of mycoses. Complications of the fungus.
    16 November 2021
  • Methods of treating the fungus between the toes using traditional medicine.
    20 October 2021
  • Treating nail fungus is far from easy, but don't despair - you can still get rid of nail fungus! We talk about the signs and risk factors of developing onychomycosis and we offer a list of the best folk remedies for fighting toenail fungus.
    24 September 2021