The world population is constantly faced with such an unpleasant "gift" on the surface of the skin of the legs, trying to get rid of the fungus on the feet. Doctors often have to listen to the complaints of patients: they torment the fungus and sweat their legs, help get rid of them, they suffer from cracks in their feet, and so on.
The fungus of the lower extremity is called epidermophytosis in medical practice. It is necessary to distinguish the fungus of the skin of the legs from lichen, which has various causes and is often higher - for example, on the knees.
The disease is accompanied by severe itching, which can become unbearable, peeling of the skin between the toes, the appearance of cracks in the feet, a sharp unpleasant smell that emanates from the skin when a person takes off socks and shoes. Deep cracks and blisters appear.
Mycoses of the skin and nails are not life-threatening, clearly do not belong to the category of fatal, but cracks in the skin will significantly ruin the life of the "owner". Fighting a fungus is not an easy task, but defeating the disease is possible. You need to show patience and perseverance in order for nasty cracks and blisters on the skin to heal and stop tormenting. From folk remedies, ammonia solution and monastery tea are effective. The products soften the skin, heal cracks and increase its resistance.
It is easier to get infected with a fungus in the pool, sauna, gym, someone else's shoes or socks, or a manicure kit. The disease has a figurative name - athlete's foot.
The causative agent of the disease grows rapidly in warm, humid places where human traffic jams form. It is enough to walk barefoot on the floor in a public locker room to befriend an insidious disease for a long time, causing rashes and cracks. The reason for the danger of the fungus is clear. Unlike this disease, the lichen planus on the knees does not always turn into an infectious process.
What is possible without a doctor and pharmacist
Fortunately, defeating mycoses of the nails and skin is quite possible. Don't rely on chance and expect a number of symptoms, including itching and cracking, to go away on their own. A delay will add a secondary infection and make the condition worse. People with diabetes mellitus are at risk.
A number of therapeutic measures can be carried out at home, without waiting for the doctor's opinion, only at the initial stage of mycosis. Simple ways will help fight the scourge at home and speed up the healing process of the lower extremities.
- You shouldn't go barefoot - either at home or on the street. Wearing socks is recommended. Otherwise, the legs will begin to sweat, cracks will appear on the feet.
- Socks should be changed at least twice a day, so as not to promote the multiplication of the pathogen, dirty laundry is an all-round pleasant living environment. It is better to use laundry soap for washing.
- The feet must be washed thoroughly with detergent. However, soap can soften the superficial layers of skin too much, so you shouldn't be enthusiastic about cleanliness. After washing, you need to remove the scales with napkins and lubricate the cracks. After cleaning, it is important to dry the skin folds better. It is allowed to use a hairdryer. The fungus does not tolerate drought at all. Put on socks if your feet are dry.
- To avoid the development of epidermophytosis in the groin area, follow the order: first, wipe the crotch area with a towel, then the legs. Socks should be worn in front of the underpants so that the affected nail does not become a source of infection.
- It is important to take proper care of your shoes. Keep your shoes and boots clean and dry inside. It is possible to treat the inner surface of the shoe with a special antifungal agent. Socks should be changed regularly.
The specified home treatment measures for foot and nail mycoses are recommended in combination with medically prescribed antimycotics. The following remedies can be used at home: tea tree oil, monastery tea or ammonia. It is recommended that the treatment of diabetes mellitus be approached with caution.
All of these measures are considered necessary to cure mycoses of the feet and nails. Remember that there is no cure without pharmacological drugs. Consult a doctor to determine the type of infectious agent and make a differential diagnosis of lichen disease. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of diabetes.
Many drugs, advertised and little known, have been developed. These are all kinds of ointments, creams, tablets, foot spray, tea tree oil, ammonia solution and so on. You should not try to treat the fungus yourself with medication, and forget about the main thing: the appointment is made exclusively by a doctor who is in charge of the treatment of mycosis of the feet and nails, and knee deprivation.
The principles of treatment of mycoses of the foot and nails are in the rules:
- To get rid of the uncomplicated form of foot and nail fungus, local treatment with antifungal ointments is sufficient. Patients tolerate special creams or sprays with excess water better than other things, which can soften the keratinous surface of the skin and are subjectively better perceived. Tea tree oil, ammonia alcohol helps well.
- Without exception, the cream contains two active ingredients. The first substance has its own antifungal activity. The second component is aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process in the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
- Treatment with medication is long-term. Don't hope for a nail restoration in a few days. Serious infectious diseases take time and patience.
- In the event of complications or undesirable consequences of treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor in order to get rid of foot and nail fungus safely and without complications.
- Before applying any spray or ointment, it is necessary to wash your feet with detergent. It is permissible to add ammonia to the water. The soap helps to soften the skin and nails, the cream is better absorbed. After washing, grease the nail plate with tea tree oil.
In addition to the actual antifungal agents, an ammonia solution or a spray is used for local treatment. It helps soften the skin on the fingers and the lamina of the affected nails.
Systemic treatment
If the patient has a severe stage of mycosis, treatment for the fungus includes tablets with antifungal drugs. Antifungal pills are widely used. In the event of a secondary infection, broad-spectrum antibiotics are also prescribed.
Remember the main thing - you can not quickly cure nail mycosis, the course of therapy should be long and reach six months. Tea tree oil and detergent may be ineffective. You should not take antifungal drugs alone, drugs are toxic, they show a lot of contraindications and side effects. It is required to take only under the supervision of a doctor. In parallel, the doctor will prescribe immunomodulators, vitamins, hepatoprotectors, monastery tea.
With diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to remember the main condition - correct blood sugar levels and regularly take antihyperglycemic tablets. Keep your feet clean, change socks regularly, regularly steam the affected nail by adding soap and soda to the water.
For systemic treatment of foot and nail mycosis, it is suggested to use tablets recommended by official medicine, local remedies that are applied to the skin and nails. Ointments with antibiotics, a spray against fungal infections, tea tree oil, ammonia are used. The funds are applied to the nail according to a scheme prescribed by the doctor. Used with caution in diabetes mellitus, such as monastery tea.
If there are pronounced side effects or contraindications to the pills, an attempt can be made to remove the nail fungus using locally recommended means of medicine or to take monastery tea. You can use "harmless" local cures for diabetes mellitus: tea tree oil, laundry soap.
Folk remedies in the treatment of mushrooms
Treatment of the disease, especially diabetes mellitus, is allowed with home remedies. Alternative medicine offers a lot of prescriptions. You can regularly soak your feet in a baking soda solution and add soap to soften your toenail quickly. The nail is then filed or cut with a nail file. The manicure kit must be sterilized without lending it to anyone else for use. Soaring feet are recommended for several months. Be sure to wear socks after the procedure. Little by little, a healthy nail will grow in the place where the fungus was.
In the pharmacy network, they buy concentrated tea tree oil, which is good for treating mycoses on the feet and nails. The remedy is often used by folk and official medicine
Remember that tea tree oil is strong and can cause irritation.
Tea tree oil is applied to the nail with a pipette and rubbed in with a sterile cotton swab. Ammonia, which is used by home medicine, is also applied to the nail.
Monastery tea is considered an effective remedy. Black tea and a number of medicinal herbs are used to prepare it. Monastery tea is used for oral administration for 3 weeks. The herbal mixture is brewed with boiling water and stored in a thermos.
You can easily buy monastery tea in the pharmacy network or pick up the herbal mixture yourself.